Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020 Week #2 Favorite Photo

As with many of these prompts I found it hard to pick just 1 favorite photo. Photos are such an amazing thing to have as a genealogist. It gives you a small glimpse into our ancestors lives and transports you to a different time in history. It's great to be able to read stories about your people but to actually get to see what they look like and see their surroundings is an amazing treat. I'm lucky that I have photos of so many of my ancestors but there are a few who I long to see their faces and I know I never will.

This week I chose 2 photos. I came across these 2 photos in an old photo album that belonged to, we think, my great grandmother Blanche Walter or one of her sisters. It's filled with photos from the early 1900's and they are amazing and even better yet most are labeled with who they are!!!! As a farm girl who at one time in my life raised pigs I instantly fell in love with these 2 photos.

We are't 100% sure who the woman is in the top photo but the bottom photo we think is my Great Great Uncle Walter Miner.  My great Grandmother Blanche's half brother.

I ask you this how many women, dressed in their Sunday best, would even go around a hog pen let alone get ON a pig!?!?! A dirty one at that!!! I remember my time with pigs fondly and you'd look at a pig from 10 feet away and end up covered head to toe in mud I can't imagine what crossed her mind or how much encouraging it took to get her on that pig!!

I will forever cherish the photo album these came from and these 2 pictures in particular!!

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