Monday, March 14, 2022

2022 Week #11 Flowers

So many women and men in my family are known for their gardening skills and green thumbs. Most of them did it not only for pleasure but as a means for survival and providing for their families. I have mixed results when it comes to growing things. I love doing it and planning out gardens and decorating my house with plants and flowers. But I also have a touch of the black thumb and things tend to die on occasion. This week when I read the topic the first thing that I thought of was my Grandma Carolyn and the flowers that she grew. All around her house you would find all types of flowers and plants. When you walked into her house in the breezeway sat a table full of plants and she had plants scattered throughout her house. I remember carrying jug after jug of water around to water each of those plants. Before we sold her house I went around and took photos of some of the outdoor flowers. It was spring time when we were preparing her house to sell and so everything was blooming and I'll always treasure those photos as remembrance of her beautiful flowers. 

Lilly of the Valley 

Bleeding Hearts

Spirea- She used these flowers in her bouquet when she got married. 

These were my favorite growing up. I have no clue what they are called! 



This was the table in her breezeway. I took a few of these plants to live with me. 

Not exactly a flower but this was her gooseberry bush. She was known for her gooseberry pie. My sister and I would help pick and stem the gooseberries. 

These were her grape vines. She use to make grape jelly and grape juice with them. 

This is one of the plants from her Breeze way. Almost everyone in our family has a Christmas Cactus or 10. They mostly were starts of the plant below that belonged to my Great Grandma Blanche. This photo was one of the best blooms I'd ever seen from this plant and then right after it bloomed it died!! I was heartbroken. Luckily I had some starts off of it and have 3 cactuses from that plant. 

The Original Christmas Cactus! 

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